Synopsis from
Produced by Roger Corman and directed by Martin Scorsese, Boxcar Bertha is a Bonnie and Clyde-like yarn set during the Depression. The title character, played by Barbara Hershey, links up with union organizer David Carradine (Hershey's real-life lover at the time) after the death of her father. Running afoul of anti-union forces, Bertha and Carradine are forced into a life of crime. Whereas Bonnie and Clyde robbed banks, Boxcar Bertha's specialty is trains. A story of this nature can only end in tragedy, and wait until you see Carradine's symbolic demise! For the record, there really was a Boxcar Bertha Thompson, and it is her autobiography, Sister of the Road, that serves as the basis for Joyce and John Corrington's screenplay.
Early Martin Scorsese stuff. Roger Corman handed him $600 000 and said "Show skin. Have artistic freedom." And Martin Scorsese said "Roger that!". And so you got violent gunfights, Barbara Hershey showing skin and David Carradine meeting his demise Jesus-style.
Inspired by this movie, Playboy magazine did a pictorial of Barbara Hershey naked in a boxcar. The pix is supposedly more explicit than the sex scenes in the movie. I haven't managed to find that picture, however. If anyone has it, please share!!
OK nudity. Good movie.
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