If the French were to be believed, middle-age is something we should all look forward to. It's this magical age where a man gets to have sex with young chicks half his age.
C'est la tangente que je préfère aka Love, Math and Sex is another of those countless French films about an adolescent who falls in love with a forty-something man. In this case, the girl happens to have a gift for maths, so they talk about mathematics then they fornicate then talk about maths some more.
I can't wait to be forty. God knows, I have done my share of drooling over all those youthful chicks.
Nice tits from Julie Delarme in her first movie appearance. Brief nudity.
File : 22 MB, duration: 0:05:19, type: AVI, 1 audio stream
Video : 17.60 MB, 462 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 592*320 (16:9), XVID
Audio : 4.98 MB, 131 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, MP3, VBR,
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