If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.
"The women who take husbands not out of love but out of greed, to get their bills paid, to get a fine house and clothes and jewels; the women who marry to get out of a tiresome job, or to get away from disagreeable relatives, or to avoid being called an old maid -- these are whores in everything but name. The only difference between them and my girls is that my girls gave a man his money's worth."
-- Polly Adler
Renowned Korean filmmaker Kwon-taek Im took a look at Korea's prostitution from the 1970s to the 1990s with Chang aka Downfall (1997). It chronicles the life of a young woman who was tricked into the world's oldest profession. It is only recently that I discovered this director's work, through Taeback Mountains and Painted Fire (a truly beautiful work of art). I was really impressed. Check them out if you love serious, good movies. Though not as good as the aforementioned movies, Downfall is still worth a watch.
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