Delta of Venus is a liberal adaptation of an erotic novel by Anais Nin. It's directed by Zalman King, who made Wild Orchid and Two Moon Junction, two of my favorite skin flicks. He also produced 9 1/2 weeks and Siesta, so you could say I had high hopes for this movie.
Basically, it's about this writer chick who has to make money so she accepts to write cheap erotic novels. Problem is the poor girl doesn't have much sexual experience (the film is set in Paris, late '30s. In those prehistoric and barbaric times, not every pretty girl is deflowered at 15 - they really had low standards in those days). So she decides to do some "researches" - after all, you have to walk the walk before you can write the words. Sexual awakenings ensue.
True to his style, Zalman King made a beautifully shot, arty softcore flick that is very watchable, thanks to Audie England's very...hmm..physical performance. The cameraman, however, seems to suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder, for he keeps swinging the camera around and never focus long enough on the Things That Are Worth Focusing On.
All said, Audie England's beautiful nakedness and some other powerful pairs of boobs make this well worth a watch.
One night in Paris (Hilton)? No, thanks, I'd rather stay in England. She at least has the semblance of a brain.
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