Whenever someone mentions the words "indie horror", I shudder. Too many of those low-budgeted, independent flicks are nothing but pretentious piles of craps, made by people who have a lot of enthusiasm but are seriously lacking in talent. But every once in awhile, something turns up that wows everyone by its originality and inventiveness and makes you believe in the indie scene again. Gutterballs is not it. The acting is bad and the script is boring in its banality. The story is about a bunch of extremely annoying people who get killed by a sicko in a bowling alley. Those people are so irritating you can't help but cheer when they finally meet their demise in bloody, gruesome ways. And that is where Gutterballs shines. The filmmakers have wisely decided to go all the way in the tits and gore departments.
Gutterballs delivers lots of boobage. Plus, there is a very long and brutal rape scene that is tough to watch. Also a brief fellatio scene which may or may not be real.
Ever heard of Cock-death before? It's when someone chokes to death on a penis, usually during sexual intercourse. Well, you get to see it in the movie. That's something, I guess.
Anyway, I think Gutterballs may be perfect for a weekend viewing, with friends and lots of beers.
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